In case of delayed transport or changes in bus routes, parents can be easily updated instantly with Power School. It is equipped to handle multiple calls at a time. It works in faster and simpler way.

In case of delayed transport or changes in bus routes, parents can be easily updated instantly with Power School. It is equipped to handle multiple calls at a time. It works in faster and simpler way.
Parents can listen to attendance report by entering unique student ID. They can do it from anywhere, anytime. This personal attention helps in improving the attendance.
Personalized messages from school reminding about the upcoming tests and study sessions are expected by every parent. The test papers’ scores may or may not reach the home and thus parents are clueless about their wards’ academic report. But, now POWER SCHOOL lets you access the academic reports on phone, round the clock.
One phone notification reaches everyone, every time, everywhere, instantly. School diary, email, postal mail is not effective for faster emergency communications. Voice messages are effective, persuasive and immediate. It provides methods of resenting the messages to the parents who are left uninformed due to some reasons, thereby covering up the targeted parents’ list.