Solving Business & Social Problems with Missed Call Solutions

Every emerging nation comes up with its own unique economic and social traits. As Indians, the utility of a simple missed call has never been foreign to us. For years, the massive middle class population has been using this smart technique as a form of special messaging platform. It may be to let someone know that they have reached their destination or to even request a call back. In other words, people were able to communicate ideas at zero cost.
It wasn’t long before businesses too realized the potential of this simple yet effective technique as a communication tool for connecting with consumers. By 2006, when mobiles phones had established a significant foothold in the country, various innovative products were designed around missed call solutions. The idea was to ask customers to give a missed call to a particular number to signal their interest. In return they would receive an informative text message or a follow up call from the organization.
Today missed call solutions have been successfully implemented across multiple channels to connect products and brands with their target customers. Innovative solutions like Big V Telecom’s DialnDisconnect have enabled several businesses to run TV ads, social media campaigns, online banners and street hoarding using just a single number and receive missed calls from interested customers.
Even prominent global firms such as Cadbury, Uniliver and several others have adopted these unique strategies to run campaigns in India.
Products like DialnDisconnect have also been widely used as a customer feedback and lead capture platforms. Many consumer goods today have a missed call number for consumers to call and disconnect, which is followed up by a call back from the company. This is even used for lead generation in businesses where interested buyers can simply “DialnDisconnect” to express their interest in a product or service.
Missed call solutions are not just limited to business and profits. These innovative platforms have deeply impacted campaigns for social and environmental causes. Several NGOs, women rights movements and activists groups have resorted to adopting unique missed call numbers to promote their ideas and increase public awareness.
During the terrible 2012 sexual assault incident in Delhi, hotlines were set up where people could give missed calls to show their support for the victim. In Central India where coal mining has devastated rain forests and vegetation for animals, environmentalist groups such as Greenpeace India have set up special numbers to receive missed calls. As a response they can now send texts to sign up online petitions, tips on individual contributions to nature and requests to show up for organized demonstrations.
What’s more, being cloud hosted, services like DialnDisconnect require no additional infrastructure or maintenance cost. They even provide special decision making tools like analytics and integration with CRM.
Missed call solutions provide time tested results. With the emergence of the smartphone age, many feature phone focused services perished with time. But the innovative applications of missed calls helped products like DialnDisconnect to not just survive but even flourish.