How different industry sectors in India are utilizing missed call services

The challenge that the companies face while marketing in India is that around 70% of the population resides in small towns and villages where digital connectivity and media outreach is limited. But they can instantly connect with this large proportion of Indian population through phones with over 1,040 million mobile and landline connections. Making the most of this connectivity, marketers across various sectors have vividly used missed call marketing for consumer engagement across the country.
The most appealing attribute of using free missed calls is that it encourages willful engagement from the consumers’ end and provides positive leads to the business. With customizable missed call service providers in India like us, the first Tata Elxsi incubate company, Big V Telecom, implementation of missed call campaigns is an easy task. Our service, DialnDisconnect provides highly quantifiable missed call services with powerful call data analytics.
Here’s how some of the leading industry sectors in India are utilizing missed call marketing:
In the Indian scenario of missed call marketing, taking the lead is the FMCG sector whose target audience includes people from different economic backgrounds. FMCG giants like HUL, PepsiCo and Cadburys have used multiple missed call campaigns to garner feedback on new and existing products and packaging. Companies in this sector have also used it to reach the most rural population, tailoring call-to-action responses to suit region specific target audience. One of HUL’s most innovative and successful campaign included providing free, on-demand audio entertainment in Bihar, UP and Jharkhand.
- Media and Entertainment:
The next widespread use of missed call campaign was made by the media and entertainment sector. The reality shows have been seeking participation from television audience in the form of missed calls to either vote for or vote out contestants while the talk shows based on real –life instances and social causes used it to know audience opinions on the same. The entertainment channels launched the missed call services for viewers to know show timings or set reminders while the DTH providers use it to provide customer support.
The application of missed calls in the banking sector has helped them boost productivity manifold. Their ongoing missed call services have proved to be a boon by saving them time, money and resources used in accomplishing tasks like verifying mobile numbers of account holders, providing account summary and such other routine tasks. Not to forget, the benefits of generating credible leads for their telemarketing team by promoting different financial products through promotional missed call campaigns!
- NGO:
Lastly, the missed call campaigns that struck the right chords with the audience are undoubtedly the ones used by NGOs and government to garner support for social causes. Some of the causes that Big V is proud to be part of are the ‘Call Anna’ campaign supporting anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare and a co-initiative with Pune Police to reintegrate convicts with the society.
Many more sectors are opting for this lucrative marketing tool with latest to join the missed call marketing trend are the e-commerce and social media companies. Is your company using it? Do let us know!!